Like most people I have many guilty pleasures. These are things that I enjoy which are a complete waste of time and have little to no redeeming value. Here are few examples of things I enjoy that perhaps will lower your opinion of me.
For those of you who have never seen this show, it is a variation on "The Bachelor". Only on this show most of the women have more serious self esteem problems and even less shame. A sign of the coming of the rapture is seeing women fight over one of the ugliest/luckiest men on the planet. As much as I enjoy this foolishness I catch the replay, because I'll be damned if I miss Grey's Anatomy to watch Flav take a bath with a stripper.
This guy has had a show for while now, but in the last few years he has really hit his stride with the paternity show. This is where a woman will get on stage and claim that the only man that she has ever slept got her pregnant and refuses to claim the baby. She then proceeds to yell at the man and the audience until Maury opens the envelope with the results. This is where the magic happens because most of the time Maury tells the young lady that the guy is not the father. The woman then usually proceeds to get several more free trips to New York by bringing the other seven or so men who were her first on the show. There are variations of the paternity show such as "I cheated the baby may not be yours" and "Your uncle may really be your daddy. On paper this sounds even more trifling than it looks on TV, and sadly I can't get enough.
I can't even explain the concept of this show. I have tried and only get strange looks from even my closest friends. If catch the right episode you will be hooked, because it is wickedly funny.

Young Jeezy embodies almost everything that is wrong with modern Hip-Hop. His lyrics are one dimensional and celebrate the worst things about about my people and the culture. That said this was one of my favorite albums of 2005, and was in the changer next to Common's Be and Little Brother's The Minstrel Show. A friend of mine put it best when he said "even though I eat healthy I sometimes enjoy junkfood and musically Young Jezzy was the best junkfood that came out last year. On a serious note those snow man t-shirts are the most ignorant thing to be born out of the culture. Big Pooh of LB put is best when he said "did crack need a mascot"?