Now when I call Madonna a whore or hoe as the kids say, I am not suggesting that she sells her body for money because as far as I know that just isn't true. I'm implying that she will do anything for attention regaurdles of how stupid or offensive. On her recent tour she has decided it would be a cool idea to hang herself on a big shiny cross in the middle of a concert. A lot of people are very angry about this. I am not one of them, and not because I hate Jesus, but because I hate artists who try and make political statements in the midst of a song and dance number. I didn't come here for this, sing "Material Girl" and get the f#%k off of the stage.
I am also annoyed at religious people who want to make a big deal of this. Jesus was just the most famous person to be crucified, but understand crucifixes were the electric chairs of thier day. There were criminals crucified before Jesus and they kept doing it after. If Jesus was killed in modern times, rappers would be wearing platinum electric chairs around thier necks.
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