A President My Generation Can Get Behind

1. We are going to be in Iraq get used to it.
2. I’m still cool with Saudi Arabia
3. Iran, don’t make me get a switch.
4. Gas is going to stay at or above 2$ a gallon, get used to it.
5. Left wing pundits, watch your mouths.
6. I wire tapped once and I’ll do it again. (Stop Snitchin’)
7. Things are not as bad as they seem. (Stop Bitchin')
I also like to watch how the camera moves in correlation with what President Bush says. Example: During his kind words in tribute to Mrs. King the camera happens to focus on John Conyers, then Jesse Jackson Jr. and top of with a Shot of Secretary Rice. I don’t blame the President for this because everyone in television does it. In fact, I expect to be sick of Jerome Bettis’ family by the end of the Super Bowl. That said, the Super Bowl is supposed to be entertainment. When this happens too many times during an event such as a Presidential Address, it borders on well-choreographed propaganda. Now I don’t know if every network did this. I watched the Fox News feed because it had American Idol as a lead in. For those of you who don’t know, Fox News is a network specifically for those with a red state of mind. They were the also the only network I observed to have a two second delay on the President’s address. I don’t want to say there is anything suspicious about that. I will leave that to other more cynical minds, but I’m sure it was not for fear of G.W. dropping F-bombs, which actually would have been pretty cool.
Was at a sneak preview last night of that Sannaa Lathan joing "Something New", so I missed the State of the union address...but I love that pic of Prime man
B. Holcomb
and I thought it was a nice gesture that President Bush opened by honoring Coretta Scott King considering he does not like black people.
Ok, I just want to make sure I have this right...
He is the first President to have a Black as his NSA.
He's the first President to have not one...but TWO Blacks as his Sec of State.
Home ownership among Blacks is the highest it's ever been in the history of the United States under his presidency.
He's spent more on the poor than Bill Clinton.
But G.W. "doesn't like Blacks". Hmmm.... Says who, Jesse "Poverty Pimp" Jackson?
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