Some Of My Best Friends Are....

I’m a generation removed from state sponsored racism, but I do understand there is still racism in 2006. My generation’s experiences with everyday racist moments come more from white people’s general ignorance of black people and not mean spiritedness. Just like in real life a lot of the misunderstandings and arguments on the show Black & White came about by this racism fueled by ignorance. About six people read this blog, 2 maybe 3 of them are white. So for their benefit, here are a few things that depending on where you are will deter you from an uncomfortable racial situation and/or keep you from getting your ass beat.
If you are about to make a statement that starts off “I don’t mean to sound racist”, you are about to say something racist. It’s sort of like when an athlete goes on television and starts out his statement “It’s not about the money”. When you hear that 99 percent of the time it is about the money.
Chris Rock covered this several years ago, but do not comment on how well we speak.
Don’t change how you speak when you are talking to one of us. If you don’t use hip-hop slang around your friends please don’t talk to one of us like we are on 106 & Park. (BET’s version of TRL) It is incredibly condescending for you to greet everyone else with a “hello how are you doing” and then greet one of us with “hey homey what’s the deely yo”. While were on this, stop saying anything that ends in izzle. This sounds stupid to begin with, but really white people this goes double for you.
Do not bring up O.J. Simpson, just don’t.
If you meet a person with mostly European features (see Maya Rudolph) don’t ask them what they are. Most light skinned black people hate having their blackness questioned.
Stop trying to make a case for Eminem as the greatest rapper of all time.
It is not flattering to tell any of us that we are not like other black people. The only people who are happy to hear something like this are usually black conservatives who think that white people’s ice is colder. (See Jesse Lee Peterson & Armstrong Williams) What you are really saying is, because you are smart, well mannered and/or articulate you are an exception to the slow-witted, ignorant, unintelligent stereotypes that I have internalized, and have always believed to be true.
If you get into a jam, saying “some of my best friends are black” is not going to help you.
Do not ask to touch our hair, we are not at a muthfu%$ing petting zoo.
Last but not least, don’t ask why you can’t say the word nigga while some black people use it like it is their first name and no one seems to care. I don’t care if your into Hip-Hop, have a black wife, or are the best point guard in the western conference. You just can’t. I’ll be honest most black people cannot give you a good reason why this is, because there really is none. Just know in almost any context, you are setting yourself up for a potential ass beating, White people tend to replace the “a” with an “er”, which never has an endearing ring to it. Also every black person does not listen to rap music and watch the Dave Chappelle Show, so repeating lyrics and jokes is a minefield you may just want to steer clear of.
Dude, that picture above will continue to hurt you look like the most trustworthey (sp?) in that pic!
Man, don't hate on Bruno's wife and "the natural". While I see your point, there are more sistas in 2006 America that rock a natural than you believe currently exist.
Lastly, although he isn't in my top 5...I can make case for Eminem being one of the greatest rappers we've experienced...I'll save that covnerseation for later
You forgot some classic caucasianism:
1. Elevator purse clutching
2. Assuming if they were the only whites in any particular situation, all the blacks would, care or try to physically harm them.
3. The general belief that a white people is more of an authority on any topic than blacks
4. The general belief that every black person speaks for all black people.
5. Counting the blacks that have entered their house.
6. "I think Halle Berry is pretty"
7. Asking "Do you know who (some ridiculously well known author) is?"
8. Mentioning that they do listen to rap and don't listen to country music, as if that signifies a closing of the racial divide.
9. Acknowledging that Bernie Mac is funny, as if that signifies a closing of the racial divide.
10. The white gasp when two black guys enter a room not dressed as servers.
More classic caucasianism:
* Not laughing when Tyler Perry or Martin Lawrence dress up like older black women.
* Pointing out that they've never owned slaves personally.
* Asking a black guy why huge butts are attractive.
* Liking Admiral Ackbar more than Lando Calrissian.
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