Mr. Spielberg, don't catch a beat down

Now there are things about the show my adult eyes see differently. Many of the episodes, especially towards the end of the series don't even try to hide the fact that they are 22 minute toy commercials. I love the movie, but I'm surprised George Lucas did not sue because Transformers The Movie's story is a complete rip-off of the original Star Wars trilogy crammed into 87 minutes.
Despite this I still love the series, and when I heard that a live action movie was being executive produced by Steven Spielberg and directed by Michael Bay, I was both excited and horrified. Hollywood as of late has taken many great ideas and turned them into the most craptacular waste of time $8.50 can buy.(Fantastic 4 anyone) Something just tells me the people putting this movie together are going to Jar Jar Binks this production, and try to appeal to the dumb children.
What a lot of people don't know is, people who like The Transformers REALLY like The Transformers. If this franchise is ruined by a half assed movie, Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg will replace Joel Schumacher as the most hated people in nerdom, and will find themselves unable to leave the house much like George Lucas after Episode I. These are not threats sirs, they are promises.
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